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ICAD Weeks Five and Six

I continue to lag behind on the index-card-a-day challenge, but I am determined to finish all the prompts by July 31.  I know the point is to schedule time to make something every day, and I usually have no problem doing that.  Sometimes, it is a problem.  For those of you that are struggling to get into a creative habit, I’m with you, it is not always easy.  Starting a new, positive habit can be just as challenging as quitting a negative habit.  If you want to do it, keep at it.

Since I have lots of lost time to make up, here are the cards I made for week five:

Prompts were: terracotta, lemon or lemonade, mis-matched, caramel, ogee, constellation, pine tree.  Week six looks like this:

Prompts were: thesaurus, botanical, clue, color chart, blueprint, card catalog, keychain or charm.  Check back on Tuesday for my take on week seven and eight, I promise!